Lite management software for hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices


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Modules of HMSLite

Patient Registration

This module registers patient details based on general and demographic information. Patients are allocated a Unique Identification Number (UID) at the time of registration.

  • Detailed information of patients
  • Mandatory fields for crucial patient information as per Standards
  • Generates Smart Card with Unique Identification Number (UID)
  • Advanced multi-criteria search for registered patients
  • Keep a track of your patient visits & history; easily and digitally!

Outpatient Management

This module deals with recording the patients’ basic medical treatment details and depends on other modules for acquiring their registration details for consultation, test appointments, report viewing etc.

  • Dashboards for patients activity
  • Straightforward Patient Billing / Insurance Claims and Collection
  • Organized services, e.g., Consulting Services, Medicines, Labs etc.
  • SMS for patient notification, payment
  • Generates various reports and analytics to provide the insights to operations
  • Data reports on user activity/patient activity/doctor activity
  • Reports on OPD/patient count
  • Lab orders, Medication Orders, Diagnosis

Laboratory Management

This module is used by the pathology lab to record and disseminate the information regarding the tests performed. The laboratory department receives orders from doctors and also allows laboratory personnel to generate requests.

  • Effectively manages patient medical tests, exam reports and laboratory department activities
  • Generates billing for both inpatients and outpatients
  • Authorized personnel will finalize test reports, which can be printed and emailed
  • Finalized reports can be visualized on the screen sent to the ward
  • SMS/Email sent to the patient when results are available


This module facilitates cashier and billing operations for different Outpatient. It provides automatic posting of charges related to different services like lab tests conducted, medicines issued, consultant’s fee etc.

  • Payment modes/details
  • Patient billing details
  • Cash collection dashboards
  • Expense Management
  • Vital data for MIS reports

Pharmacy Management

This module deals with the retail sale of medicines to general customers & OPD patients, and issue of medicines to the in-patients in the hospital. Its functions include drug prescription and inventory management and billing of drugs, surgical and consumables. As the patient collects medicines from the pharmacy shop, their charges will automatically transfer to the patient's billing.

  • Oversee drug distribution, management of stock
  • Receive prescriptions from consulting doctors; send dispensing unit down to a particular patient, without any need for manual intervention
  • Avoid incorrect distribution of medication

Security and Admin

This module deals with security by managing / controlling the access to various modules and sub-modules available in the software. It also deals with the other secured parameters like importing database etc.

  • Provision to Create / manage users
  • Provision to allocate role to the respective user.
  • Provision to create / manage roles and assigning privileges and permission of information to the corresponding role.

Why Choose HMSLite - A lite Hospital Management Software

HMSLite provides the benefits of streamlined operations, excellent patient care, effective cost control and very importantly enhanced and secured administration & control. Our HMS is robust, interactive, user-friendly, flexible and is designed and developed to deliver real benefits to small and medium sized Hospitals and clinics.

Our HMS covers popular range of hospital administration and management processes in terms of Management modules. It is an integrated end-to-end Hospital Management Information System that provides required information across the hospital. It effectively supports decision making for patient care and hospital administration in a seamless flow.

This Hospital Management software is reliable and assures complete security of data. It has been designed keeping in mind today's complex requirements and the importance of TIME. It uses a Desktop-based and user friendly interface which helps users to view the content very fast. The Hospital software is developed in a fully Intranet environment and runs on all computers running windows 7 and later.

HMSLite is a complete Desktop Based Hospital Management System and was Developed based on the best practices around the world.
